Like thousands of other teenagers, our eldest daughters (twins) have been at university since September; it's been a huge learning curve for all of us. They not only survived freshers' week but positively thrived, their two younger sisters have realised that coming out of their rooms and talking to us now and again really isn't that bad, we're quite nice when you get to know us (and no, that table really doesn't lay itself!).
We're amazed by their stamina - how can they be preparing to go out just as we're sitting down for a coffee in front of the 10 o'clock news, knowing that I will probably have fallen asleep by the time the weather comes on! Yet we know they are also working hard, having both recently turned in two first class assignments.
So with students in mind another interest lies in producing good food both cheaply and quickly. I'm amazed at how many of their friends buy their lunches from sandwich shops because they can't be bothered to make lunch. Quite often it's just a matter of cooking a bit extra the night before and sticking it in the fridge for the next day.
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